Downtown Lima Photo Walk, August 3

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While I have started a photo blog devoted to images of my community in Lima, Ohio, I think that Intensity Without Mastery will remain the home for my photo walk posts. Yesterday my husband and I took an afternoon walk through downtown Lima. The streets were mostly empty, but a few of the stronger downtown business were open with customers.

My husband, who is my favorite male model, stopped at a secondhand store on Main Street:

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He loves “picking” for treasures at garage sales, flea markets, and the like. He found an antique micrometer in the store on Main Street. He bought it mostly as a homage to the early days of his career when he worked as a machinist at GM and later Textron. Once we were home, he discovered that the micrometer had actually belonged a man he knew while growing up in the 60’s and the 70’s. He wondered aloud if the man had passed away.

My husband has mentioned that one sure sign of getting older is the declining probability that people one used to know are still alive. By the time he turned 50, he learned to be cautious when asking about people he hadn’t seen lately. It’s strange for me to consider that I’ll be 50 in just a few years. As far as I know, almost everyone I once knew well is still alive, but this won’t always be true.

On the more youthful side of life, there was a chalk art competition downtown, and I posted a few photos of the chalk creations on my Spotted in Lima Facebook page.

I will close with more images from our walk. I was intrigued by the kegs of mystery in the first storefront. There’s a fairly new restaurant in the adjacent spaces, so it’s possible the empty kegs belong to it. If so, the establishment must be growing in popularity.

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3 thoughts on “Downtown Lima Photo Walk, August 3”

    1. The weather here has been sunny and in the 80s, which is great except that I need to water the garden most days. It’s like almost all of our summer rain fell before the end of June.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, it was so rainy early summer here too. My dad–up in Port Clinton–wasn’t able to put his boat in with all the high water, Lake Erie included. I’m enjoying our 80s weather here today (cool for us!).

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